Remember when nobody knew Freddie Mercury was gay? This is from an old 16 Magazine, which was a magazine for teenage girls. If you click on the picture to enlarge it you can read about Freddie the Hunk. There are a couple of hints there...
My very very special friend Kyle responds:
We may have not known Freddie was gay, but, when Freddie stopped wearing tights and started wearing leather and hot pants, I knew something was going on. Freddie's preference was an often discussed topic amongst my first rock band as our singer, Mike, thought Freddie Mercury was the best rock singer, period, and would have loved to perform an entire set of Queen songs. The rest of the band felt that "Tie Your Mother Down" was plenty enough Queen. We didn't dislike Queen but their songs were difficult to play correctly without proper instrumentation and ability and we lacked both. Not wanting to admit this, and in order to discourage singer Mike from introducing another Queen song to the set, the band would resort to the "Queen are fags" argument as the final word as to why we shouldn't add any more Queen to our set. When you're sixteen any argument can be won with the "fag" assertion. It started as a joke, but with each new Queen album, from "Jazz" on, it became more and more apparent that we had been fooled into rocking out to something much different than what we had originally perceived. Also, Queen, or at least Mercury, had a reputation for hitting the town in Dallas after their concerts and this was big news in the local rock weekly "Buddy Magazine" (named after Holly). At first, his late night revelry would commence at Mother Blues, an infamous derelict rock club on Lemon Ave. But a year or so later, when it was reported that Freddie and his Queen's court detoured a few blocks away to cabarets such as the Manhole in the heart of the burgeoning gay district of Cedar Springs Ave., we all knew Freddie wasn't wearing leather to impress the ladies.